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Your trade portal to the World of BTC

Your trade portal to the World of BTC

BTC webshop is a sophisticated application which supports you along the entire supply chain. You can access relevant product literature, place orders and check the order status.

Access your account

No account? Get in touch with your BTC contact.

BTC webshop opens doors

Registering with BTC webshop gives you direct access to BTC and allows you to benefit from first-class services. You will also be granted access to Safety Data Sheets(SDS) for BTC products.

Transactions and more

In addition to transaction features, BTC webshop offers specific information and services following the philosophy of one stop shopping.

Your time and money is saved

Instead of communicating your order data via phone or fax, you simply enter it directly into BTC webshop at any time and it will automatically feed directly into our system for processing!

Dear valued customer, WorldAccount will not be available due to a planned maintenance window on 31st of March from 12:00 to 04:00 p.m. (CEST). We apologize for the inconvenience.